Ratifications list

The Trade Facilitation Agreement entered into force on 22 February 2017 when the WTO obtained acceptance of the Agreement from two-thirds of its 164 Members.

To date, 152 WTO Members have domestically ratified a Protocol of Amendment and notified the WTO of their acceptance of this Protocol.  This Protocol of Amendment, which was officially opened for acceptance on 27 November 2014, will insert the Agreement on Trade Facilitation into the WTO Agreement.

In this page you can find the list of WTO Members that have presented the instrument of ratification to date.

Ratifications by category

Total 156
Afganistán R
Albania R
Angola R
Antigua and Barbuda R
Argentina R
Armenia R
Australia R
Austria R
Bahrain, Kingdom of R
Bangladesh R
Barbados R
Belgium R
Belize R
Benin R
Bolivia, Plurinational State of R
Botswana R
Brazil R
Brunei Darussalam R
Bulgaria R
Burkina Faso R
Burundi R
Cabo Verde R
Cambodia R
Cameroon R
Canada R
Central African Republic R
Chad R
Chile R
China R
Colombia R
Congo, Republic of R
Costa Rica R
Côte d'Ivoire R
Croatia R
Cuba R
Cyprus R
Czech Republic R
Denmark R
Djibouti R
Dominica R
Dominican Republic R
Ecuador R
Egypt R
El Salvador R
Estonia R
Eswatini, Kingdom of R
Fiji R
Finland R
France R
Gabon R
Gambia, the R
Georgia R
Germany R
Ghana R
Greece R
Grenada R
Guatemala R
Guinea R
Guinea-Bissau R
Guyana R
Honduras R
Hong Kong, China R
Hungary R
Iceland R
India R
Indonesia R
Ireland R
Israel R
Italy R
Jamaica R
Japan R
Jordan R
Kazakhstan R
Kenya R
Korea, Republic of R
Kuwait, the State of R
Kyrgyz Republic R
Latvia R
Lesotho R
Liberia R
Liechtenstein R
Lithuania R
Luxembourg R
Macao, China R
Madagascar R
Malawi R
Malaysia R
Maldives R
Mali R
Malta R
Mauritius R
Mexico R
Moldova, Republic of R
Mongolia R
Montenegro R
Morocco R
Mozambique R
Myanmar R
Namibia R
Nepal R
Netherlands R
New Zealand R
Nicaragua R
Niger R
Nigeria R
Republic of North Macedonia R
Norway R
Oman R
Pakistan R
Panama R
Papua New Guinea R
Paraguay R
Peru R
Philippines R
Poland R
Portugal R
Qatar R
Romania R
Russian Federation R
Rwanda R
Saint Kitts and Nevis R
Saint Lucia R
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines R
Samoa R
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of R
Senegal R
Seychelles R
Sierra Leone R
Singapore R
Slovak Republic R
Slovenia R
Solomon Islands R
South Africa R
Spain R
Sri Lanka R
Sweden R
Switzerland R
Chinese Taipei R
Tajikistan R
Tanzania R
Thailand R
Togo R
Trinidad and Tobago R
Tunisia R
Turkey R
Uganda R
Ukraine R
United Arab Emirates R
United Kingdom R
United States of America R
Uruguay R
Vanuatu R
Viet Nam R
Zambia R
Zimbabwe R
Total 156