Répertoire de ressources COVID-19

Ce répertoire de ressources COVID-19 vise à faciliter l'accès aux initiatives, directives, études de cas et autres informations élaborées par diverses organisations et associations partenaires pour aider à maintenir le flux des échanges transfrontaliers sûrs pendant la pandémie COVID 19. 

*Avis de non-responsabilité : Les organisations participant à l'initiative n'ont pas la prétention de préconiser ou de promouvoir un mode d'action particulier, et ne peuvent être tenues pour responsables de toute perte ou de tout dommage causé par des erreurs, des omissions, des fautes d'impression ou une mauvaise interprétation du contenu de ce document.





Organization Description Area of work Focal Point View
World Organisation for Animal Health

La OIE ha trabajado intensamente con su red de expertos y en estrecho contacto con sus Miembros con el fin de entender mejor el virus y su emergencia y consolidar la capacidad de los países para responder a esta crisis multidimensional. Las actividades de los servicios veterinarios contribuyen a atender necesidades críticas, tales como el abastecimiento alimentario que, en las circunstancias actuales, afronta graves retos. En este tiempo en los que la solidaridad resulta más importante que nunca, los servicios veterinarios han respaldado la capacidad de respuesta de los servicos de salud humana de diferentes maneras.  
El portal de la OIE sobre la COVID-19 brinda acceso a información relevante, incluyendo una sección de "preguntas y respuestas", informes de grupos de expertos y recomendaciones. 

Website oie@oie.int View
World Organisation for Animal Health

The OIE has been intensively working with its network of experts and liaising closely with its Members to better understand the virus and its emergence and to enhance the capacity of countries to respond to this multifaceted crisis. The activities of Veterinary Services contribute to addressing critical needs, such as food supply, which are heavily challenged in the current circumstances. In these times where solidarity is more important than ever, Veterinary Services have also been supporting the response capacity of human health services in various ways. The OIE COVID-19 portal provides access to all relevant information including Questions and answers, expert group reports and recommendations

Website oie@oie.int View
Standards and Trade Development Facility

Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, the STDF has put in place a range of actions, in close cooperation with the global partnership, to mitigate and manage the risk across STDF's work. STDF’s report provides an overview of the situation and outlines the types of risks faced and mitigation measures taken across STDF's global platform, knowledge work and project portfolio.

Report STDFSecretariat@wto.org View
Standards and Trade Development Facility

Find out about the support available on COVID-19, from the new guidance to the latest analysis

Website STDFSecretariat@wto.org View

This webpage provides some key messages and guidance to the Codex community on Codex documents that could assist countries to contain microbial contamination of foods as well as information on Codex meetings rescheduled due to the pandemic. 

Website codex@fao.org View
TradeMark East Africa

This document has been prepared by the Trademark East Africa (TMEA) to highlight experiences with the state of logistics services and border operations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Article/Press Release jennifer.wilson@trademarkea.com View
TradeMark East Africa, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on trade: Recent evidence from East Africa

Report jennifer.wilson@trademarkea.com View
TradeMark East Africa, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Prioritizing regional over global value chains to accelerate economic development

Case Studies jennifer.wilson@trademarkea.com View
TradeMark East Africa Report jennifer.wilson@trademarkea.com View
TradeMark East Africa Article/Press Release jennifer.wilson@trademarkea.com View