E-Learning courses
In order to contribute to the expansion of the understanding of the TFA and its provisions, below you can find a list of different e-learning courses offered by international organizations.
This compilation provides a brief description and relevant information of the various interactive courses on TFA related matters.
Introduction to Blockchain for Trade
This online course was jointly developed by the International Trade Centre and the WTO. Freely accessible through the ITC SME Trade Academy and WTO E-learning platform, the course is aimed at both technical and non-technical participants. It consists of four modules: (1) why blockchain; (2) what is blockchain technology; (3) how can blockchain be used in international trade?; (4) implementing blockchain for trade.
UNCTAD e-Learning platform for National Trade Facilitation Committees
Developing countries can learn through the platform how to implement reforms to ease trade despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
How the platform works
The platform currently hosts nine modules on issues related to trade facilitation. Each module includes a series of short videos, quizzes, a digital handout, further reading material and a final examination.
The course is delivered through a blended approach: weekly webinars with UNCTAD experts allow students to discuss in depth the content of each module and ask any questions.
At the end of the course, successful participants receive a certificate of completion. The content of the platform is constantly being updated and will soon contain new courses.
Over 1000 participants from Bolivia, Botswana, Cambodia,ECCAS Region, Ecuador, Eswatini, Honduras, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, São Tomé, Timor-Leste, Zambia and Zimbabwe are the first beneficiaries to use the platform.
UNCTAD developed the platform with financial support from the United Kingdom. Course material is also available in French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Courses on Trade Facilitation via The CCLEC E-learning System
Developed for the primary purpose of creating a highly skilled, qualified and strategic Customs workforce.
- Basic Customs and Trade Facilitation
- Risk Management
- Post Clearance Audit
Courses on Facilitation / Trade Security and Customs
- Ventanillas únicas electrónicas de comercio exterior
- Os Guichês Electrônicos Únicos Como Ferramentas de Facilitação do Comércio
- Gestión coordinada de fronteras
- Operador económico autorizado
- Gestión de riesgo de aduanas
- Desarrollo de la capacidad de gestión y liderazgo para la supervisión y control de aduanas
- Planificación Estratégica y Gestión de Riesgo en Aduanas
- Modernización de Aduanas
- Single Window for Foreign Trade
- Strategic Customs Planning and Management
- Custom Risk Management
The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
After this course the participant will have: - Received an overview of trade facilitation;
- Reached an understanding of the objectives of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA);
- Become familiar with the technical provisions of the TFA and their trade facilitating aspects
- Become familiar with the special and differential treatment flexibilities for developing and least-developed country Members in implementing the TFA;
- Become aware of the notification obligations of the TFA; and
- Become informed of the role of the WTO Trade Facilitation Committee and National Trade Facilitation Committees.
This course is freely available on the website at all times.