COVID-19 Trade Facilitation Repository

(Page translation in progress/Traducción de página en curso)

This COVID 19 Trade Facilitation Repository aims to facilitate access to initiatives, guidelines, case studies, and other information that was developed by various partner organizations and associations to help maintain the flow of safe cross border trade during the COVID 19 pandemic. 

*Disclaimer: The tool is for purely informative purposes and does not intend to be comprehensive and the organizations participating in the initiative do not purport to advocate or promote any particular course of action, nor shall they be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation of the contents hereof.

Organization Description Area of work Focal Point View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Article/Press Release View
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Report View
International Grain Trade Coalition

Provided by the Secretariat of the IGTC - the world's foremost international non-profit trade association working across cultures, borders and jurisdictions on international grain trade facilitation. 

Website View
International Grain Trade Coalition

A voluntary and collaborative effort supported by grain trade leaders worldwide to share information during the Covid-19 pandemic. Focus on the value chain of the crops that are the foundation of the world's safe, predictable, sustainable, affordable and nutritious food supply. 

Project View
World Organisation for Animal Health

L'OIE travaille intensivement avec son réseau d'experts et entretient des liens étroits avec ses membres afin de mieux comprendre le virus et son émergence et de renforcer la capacité des pays à répondre à cette crise aux multiples facettes. Les activités des Services vétérinaires contribuent à répondre à des besoins critiques, tels que l'approvisionnement en denrées alimentaires, qui sont fortement mis à mal dans les circonstances actuelles. En ces temps où la solidarité est plus importante que jamais, les Services vétérinaires soutiennent également la capacité de réponse des services de santé humaine de diverses manières.

Le portail de l'OIE dédié au COVID-19 permet d'accéder à l'ensemble des informations pertinentes, notamment une série de  questions et de réponses, des rapports de groupes d'experts et des recommandations.

Website View