
In Switzerland the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is in charge of economic cooperation and development activities. Within the framework of the implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation SECO’s Trade Promotion Division is…


The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government. Our mission is to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we…


Norwegian development assistance for trade facilitation will be channeled through multilateral organisations. Norway has previously provided financial support to needs assessments for least developed members and developing country members. In…



The Netherlands supports mainly international and regional organisations focussed on helping developing countries and LDCs to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).



Japanese embassies serve as the contact points. Any developing country interested in obtaining assistance should contact the Japanese embassy, whose list can be found at:



Ireland provides assistance and support for capacity building on trade facilitation to developing country and least developed country Members mainly through international organisations (as provided for in Section II, Article 9.1 of the Agreement…


The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is highly engaged in enabling developing countries to take part in international trade: Since the year 2000 a number of bilateral projects have been designed in order to…


France provides assistance and support for capacity building on trade facilitation to developing country and least developed country Members by different canals. The Directorate-General of treasury and the Directorate-General of Customs and…