Contact points
Counsellor - Permanent Mission of France to the WTO
Ms Lauriane Fernandez
Contact Point
Enquiries regarding trade facilitation-related assistance can be directed to:
58, rue de Moillebeau - CP 235
CH 1211 Genève 19
Deputy head of office
Mme Elise Benyo
Contact Point
Ministere de L'Economie et des Finances
Ministere de L'Economie et des Finances
139 rue de Bercy – Télédoc 559
75572 Paris cédex 12
France provides assistance and support for capacity building on trade facilitation to developing country and least developed country Members by different canals. The Directorate-General of treasury and the Directorate-General of Customs and Indirect Taxes participate in the area of trade facilitation either through International organisations : World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund, etc. either, bilaterally directly with countries that need foreign aid to improve trade facilitation. This aid is implemented by French operators such as l’Agence française de développement.