ALADI Members' NTFCs discuss digitalization and interoperability for trade facilitation

More than 20 participants gathered in Montevideo on 26-27 November for the 4th Regional NTFC meeting. The meeting brought together trade facilitation experts from National Trade Facilitation Committees, Single Window entities and SPS competent authorities to promote digitalization of trade facilitation the challenges and opportunities of interoperability. The meeting was organized by ALADI, STDF and TFAF and supported by IICA. It is the fourth meeting of regional NTFCs organized jointly by ALADI and TFAF.
Participants shared their experiences with digitalization initiatives for trade documents, such as electronic certification initiatives by SPS competent authorities. The STDF and IICA presented the newly launched project on eVeterinary certification, which is a pilot regional project. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the interoperability of digital solutions and platforms and to raise awareness on tools and approaches including international standards.
Participants noted that the countries in the region operate multiple systems, platforms and exchange hubs. This fragmented approach adds to the cross-border trade complexity and absorbs unnecessary resources to build and maintain the systems and establish the connections. Participants were able to show examples of the integration of digital certificates into Single Window environments and using Single Windows for data exchanges. The ALADI Secretariat will continue this discussion with their members in view of strengthening regional interoperability.