Committee on Trade Facilitation Dedicated Session - Members discuss access to assistance and support for the TFA

Room W

Members discussed access to assistance and support for the TFA.

On 24 October, the Committee on Trade Facilitation (CTF) held its annual dedicated session on technical assistance and capacity building (TACB). The dedicated session provides an opportunity for Members to discus progress and difficulties in mobilising TACB, and to discuss donor Member and other partners' support programmes.

The TFA Facility presented a report of existing gaps in TACB for the TFA in terms of Members' coverage and thematic coverage. This resulted in a dynamic discussion in the dedicated session, particularly around the challenge of providing support to Francophone Members. The European Union stated that it had already instructed the multilateral programs it supports, to respond to this challenge with a focus on TFA support to Francophone partners.

Members instructed the TFAF to continue its efforts to understand access issues to TFA-related Technical Assistance and Capacity Building, reporting its findings to the next annual dedicated session.

The TFA Facility contributed to this session and its preparation by funding capital-based representatives from Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Lao PDR and Nepal to participate in the panel discussions in the dedicated session. Furthermore, it funded a reception, hosted by the CTF Chair, bringing together representatives of the donors and development partners with developing and LDC Members to meet and open discussions on TFA needs and how to request assistance.

The TFAF also invited donor Members and partners to an informal exchange on how to collectively better respond to Members' TFA needs and address the observed gaps in the provision of TACB. Participants agreed to meet on this topic on at least an annual basis in the margins of the dedicated session.