Central Asia: Ready4Trade (R4TCA)


December 2023


The project aims to promote intra-regional and international trade in Central Asia (CA) by enhancing the transparency of cross-border requirements, removing regulatory and procedural barriers, strengthening business capability to comply with trade formalities and standards, as well as by improving cross-border e-commerce. The project is structured according to four expected results:
1. Key regulatory and procedural obstacles to international trade are addressed; 2. SMEs capacities to comply with cross-border requirements (including notably quality standards, technical regulations, relevant preferential trading schemes/GSP+) are improved; 3. Improved Central Asia countries readiness, in particular women-led companies, for conducting cross-border e-commerce; 4. Increased opportunities for participation of women-led enterprises in international trade.

Contact Point(s)
Mohammad Saeed
saeed [at] intracen.org
Eleonora Salluzzi
esalluzzi [at] intracen.org