Enhancing the International Competitiveness of Sri Lankan SMEs in Secondary Growth Centres


October 2022


The project aims at strengthening the participation and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), located in secondary growth centres in Sri Lanka, in international markets. To reach this objective, the projects will: a) improve the user-friendliness and accessibility of the Sri Lanka Trade Information Portal (SLTIP) for the business community; b) provide description of export procedures of up to 10 agriculture products, with a focus on organic ones, as well as provide assistance and technical support for the simplification of export procedures in Sri Lanka related to selected products; c) strenghten representation of SMEs in the NTFC and d) optimize the automation and digitalization of the electronic certificate of origin (eCoO).

Contact Point(s)
Mohammad Saeed
saeed [at] intracen.org
Eleonora Salluzzi
esalluzzi [at] intracen.org