Head, Trade for Development
3 Whitehall Place
United Kingdom
The UK’s approach to Aid for Trade is part of our commitment to do more to create jobs, improve skills and increase investment in emerging economies – in both our interests and theirs. This commitment is reflected in the UK’s 0.7% ODA target.
Aid for Trade (AfT) and economic development are central pillars of the UK’s approach to development assistance. Our objective is to support developing countries, in particular the least developed ones, to play an active role in the global trading system and to use trade as an instrument for growth, job creation and thus poverty alleviation.
A key part of our aid for trade support is spent on trade facilitation projects which help developing countries implement reforms relevant to the implementation of the TFA, including through facilities such as the World Bank’s Trade Facilitation Facility as well as its Multi-donor trust fund.
DFID has committed £500,000 to the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility, which will work in sync with these programmes by making developing countries aware of all existing programmes; highlighting any ‘unmet’ developing countries’ needs; as well as sharing of best practice and lessons learnt.