Program Manager, Trade Facilitation Support Program
Washington DC
The Trade Faciliation Support Program (TFSP) was launched in June 2014 and receives support from nine funding partners (Australia, Canada, EU, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden UK, USA). Managed by the World Bank Group, the TFSP provides support for countries seeking assistance in aligning their trade practices with the TFA, and is focused on supporting the full and effective implementation of the TFA and related trade facilitation reforms. The TFSP is designed to provide practical and demand-driven assistance.
The TFSP helps client countries identify existing constraints and bottlenecks to cross-border trade; design and plan for the implementation of reforms; and increase the predictability, transparency, and harmonization of systems and procedures in line with international standards covering import, export, and transit activities.
Recognizing the important roles of both the public and private sectors in trade facilitation, the WBG implements the TFSP by drawing on the unique expertise of both the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Support provided through the TFSP is complementing and paving the way for larger funding operations by the World Bank Group.
Online: tfsp@worldbank.org and www.worldbank.org/TFSP
There is no standard format or template for requesting assistance.