Strengthening national capacities to ensure a coordinated implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


The main objective of this Project is to strengthen the roles and capacities of NTFCs as effective coordinating entities of trade facilitation reforms through a capacity building program with country-specific advisory services to the NTFCs in accordance with their needs and stages of development.

In times of the Covid-19 crisis the secondary objective of the Project is to ensure that in the field of trade facilitation countries are prepared for similar crises situations with appropriate procedures, transparency, and communications tools.

This involves the delivery of the UNCTAD E-learning course for NTFCs, Implementation of the Reform Tracker, Develop a Rapid Scan assessment report on the Trade Facilitation Preparedness of the country together, and subsequently, develop a tailor-made rapid response plan for trade facilitation.

Contact Point(s)
Francisco José Ruiz Zamudio
fruiz [at]