Chief Executive Officer
Senior Director, Enabling Trade Environment
Director, Trade Policy & Facilitation
TradeMark (Trade and Markets) East Africa is a multi-purpose donor funded, not -for-profit Aid for Trade organisation, established to support the growth of trade – both regional and international – In East Africa. TMEA operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by the development agencies of the following countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, UK, and USA. TMEA works closely with East African Community (EAC) institutions, national governments, the private sector and civil society organisations.
Established in 2010, TMEA supports a portfolio of programmes across the East Africa Community partner countries, working closely with our partners - the EAC Partner States, EAC Secretariat, the private sector and civil society - TMEA has made a significant contribution to this growth by delivering large scale impact in its highly successful first strategic phase which was completed in December 2017.
Key results from Strategy 1
- Corridor Transit Time Reduction:
- Based on the current monitoring data in the TMEA results meter, TMEA’s estimates a larger reduction in the average time it takes to transport a container from Dar es Salaam or Mombasa ports to Bujumbura or Kigali, from 15.6% in June 2016 to 16.5% in June 2017 against the 15% target.
- Port time reductions:
- Mombasa Port: 52% reduction in import time (11.2 days in 2010 to 5.34 days in Sept 2017) and 59% reduction in export time (to 6.37 days in Sept 2017 from 15.4 days in 2010). Catalysed $250m in berth upgrades from lenders (EIB & AFD).
- Dar Port: 28% reduction in import time (11.6 days in June 2017 from 16 days in 2010) and 53% reduction in export time (6.8 days in June 2017 from 14.6 days in 2010). Helped catalyse $350m loan from the World Bank.
- More efficient borders: On average 70% decline on time through borders
- Better trade infrastructure: Port Reitz (6.4kms) and Ntungamo Rd (37kms) completed
- ICT to facilitate trade:
- Rwanda Electronic single window - Rwanda Electronic Single Window – clearance times fell from 11 days to 1 day 10 hours, $6m savings in 2014 alone
- Uganda Revenue Authority - Customs Management System & Green channel -75% reduction in transit & clearance times, $56m savings annually
- Average time reduction for key trade processes reduced by 3.2 days before trade portals (SWIFTs) implemented to 2 hours after SWIFTS
- Average cost reduction for key trade processes by US$62 per transaction: US$ 72 before SWIFTS to US$ 62 (after SWIFTs)
- Reduced total cost of doing business/savings as at 2016, US$6.6 million.
- Institution Building
- OBR (Burundi Revenue Authority) - 110% increase Burundi’s government revenue – additional $190 million in tax between 2010 and 2016
- South Sudan Custom Services - Reduction in clearance times for humanitarian cargo from 4 days to 1 day at Nimule border. Non-oil customs revenue grew $9.5 million (2011) to $96 million (June 2016)
- Private Sector Engagement:
- NTBs - 26% reduction in transport costs for a 40ft container from US$6,500 (2011) to US$4,800 (2015) generating US$ 7 million savings on the Mombasa-Kigali route
- Standards Harmonisation - 99% reduction in average conformity assessment clearance time for certified goods within the EAC (38 days to 0.5 days). Testing cost savings of 59% (from US$500 to US$205) per test
TMEA Is now embarking on Its second strategic phase for the six years from 2017/18 to 2022/23 known as “Strategy 2” which seeks to increase trade by unlocking economic potential anchored on 2 key outcomes:
- Reduced barriers to trade; and
- Improving business competitiveness.
We believe there are a number of pathways from increased trade to sustainable, inclusive prosperity through, for example, job creation, poverty reduction, economic growth, increased government revenue, enhanced economic welfare, and greater economic resilience.
TMEA has its headquarters in Nairobi with offices in Arusha, Bujumbura, Dar es Salaam, Juba, Kampala and Kigali.
To find out more, please visit the TMEA website at www.trademarkea.com