Recursos generales
- Recursos de COVID
- Publicaciones
- Publicaciones en idiomas no pertenecientes a la OMC
- Asistencia a la implementación/trabajo con donantes y socios
- Artículos y trabajos de investigación
- Supervisión de la facilitación del comercio
- Recursos del artículo TFA
- Presentaciones del Comité de Facilitación del Comercio
Recursos de COVID
UNCTAD - ASYCUDA in action- Compendium 2019
UNECE - White Paper on Block Chain in Trade Facilitation (2020)
UNECE - Public-Private Partnerships in Trade Facilitation. Recommendation 41 (2017)
UNECE - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: UNECE Regional Report 2019
UNECE - Summary of UNECE Trade Facilitation Recommendations (2015)
UNECE - Trade Facilitation Terms: an English-Russian-Chinese Glossary
UNECE - Trade Facilitation Terms: An English-Russian Glossary
UNECE - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: UNECE Regional Report 2019
UNECE - White Paper on Block Chain in Trade Facilitation (2020)
UNECE - Trade Facilitation White Paper on Smart Containers (2019)
UNESCAP - UN Digital an Sustainable Trade Facilitation Global Report 2019
UNESCAP - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation implementation database
UNESCAP – Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation in Asia and the Pacific (2021)
USAID - The Trade Facilitation Agreement: A World of Opportunities for MSMEs (2021)
Publicaciones en idiomas no pertenecientes a la OMC
Asistencia a la implementación/trabajo con donantes y socios
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005)
OECD - Harmonising Donor Practices for Effective Aid Delivery (2003)
OECD - Harmonising Donor Practices for Effective Aid Delivery. Vol 2 (2006)
OECD - Managing Aid (2005)
OECD - Development Assistance Manual DAC (1992)
Artículos y trabajos de investigación
- UNECE - Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide (2018)
- WCO's Implementation Guidance (2018)
- Guidelines for Single Window Implementation in Africa (2017)
- UNCTAD - The new frontier of competitiveness in developing countries - Implementing Trade Facilitation
- UNECE - Guide to drafting a National Trade Facilitation Roadmap
- ITC - SMEs and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement - A training manual (2015)
- USAID's implementation guide - second edition (2015)
- ITC - A Business Guide for Developing Countries (2013)
- World Bank - Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment - A practical toolkit for country implementation (2010)
Supervisión de la facilitación del comercio
- UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation (2015-2021)
- Aid for Trade Country Profiles (2018)
- Global Express Association Customs Capabilities (2018)
- World Bank - Logistic Performance Index (LPI) (2018)
- IATA- Air Cargo Border Efficiency (2017)
- OECD - Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFIs) (2017)
- Indicators for Trade Facilitation: A Handbook (UNESCAP, OECD)
- Institutional Profiles Database (IPD) (2016)
- OECD - Aid for Trade Facilitation interactive database (2016)
- World Bank - Doing business (2015)
- UNECE - Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanisms. Recommendation 42
- UNECE - Assessing regulatory and procedural measures in trade: An Evaluation Methodology (2014)
- UNECE - Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks: Towards a Better Management of Risks (2012)
Recursos del artículo TFA
- Willl the Trade Facilitation Agreement’s Novel Architecture and Flexibilities Have Unforeseen Consequences? An Analysis in the Context of WTO's Accessions by Ben Czapnik (2017)
- Do trade facilitation provisions in regional trade agreements matter? by Yann Duval, Nora Neufeld, Chorthip Utoktham (2016)
- Implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement: From Vision to Reality by Nora Neufeld (2016)
- WTO-OECD - Aid for Trade at a Glance (2015)
- The long and winding road: how WTO Members finally reached a Trade Facilitation Agreegement by Nora Neufeld (2014)
- Trade Facilitation provisions in Regional Trade Agreements - Traits and Trends by Nora Neufeld (2014)
- USAID - Assessing the Benefits of the Trade Facilitation Agreement for Agricultural Trade
Presentaciones del Comité de Facilitación del Comercio
- UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation (2019)
- Aid for Trade Country Profiles (2018)
- Global Express Association Customs Capabilities (2018)
- World Bank - Logistic Performance Index (LPI) (2018)
- IATA- Air Cargo Border Efficiency (2017)
- OECD - Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFIs) (2017)
- Indicators for Trade Facilitation: A Handbook (UNESCAP, OECD)
- Institutional Profiles Database (IPD) (2016)
- OECD - Aid for Trade Facilitation interactive database (2016)
- World Bank - Doing business (2015)
- UNECE - Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanisms. Recommendation 42
- UNECE - Assessing regulatory and procedural measures in trade: An Evaluation Methodology (2014)
- UNECE - Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks: Towards a Better Management of Risks (2012)
Conventions & legal instruments
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP) (as of January 2018)
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (2000)
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (1975)
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of goods (1982)
Customs Convention on containers (1972)
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (1957)
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (1956)
Customs Convention on the temporary importation of private road vehicles (1954)
International Convention to facilitate the crossing of frontiers for goods carried by rail (1952)
Railways role in intermodality and the digitalization of transport documents (2018)
TIR Handbook (2018) (UN Official languages)
Railway reform in the ECE region (2017)
eTIR: Towards Paperless Cross-border Trade (2016)
The United Nations Transport Conventions on border crossing facilitations – Benefits for governments (2016) (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish)
eTIR Reference Model (2014) (English, French, Russian)
OSCE-UNECE Handbook of best practices at border crossings – A trade and transport facilitation perspective (2012) (English, Russian, Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian)
Conventions & legal instruments
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of goods (1982)
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (1975)
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (1956)
TIR Handbook (2018) (UN Official languages)
eTIR: Towards Paperless Cross-border Trade
The United Nations Transport Conventions on border crossing facilitations – Benefits for governments (2016) (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish)
eTIR Reference Model (2014) (English, French, Russian)
OSCE-UNECE Handbook of best practices at border crossings – A trade and transport facilitation perspective (2012) (English, Russian, Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian)
Conventions & legal instruments
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of goods (1982)
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (1975)
Customs Convention on containers (1972)
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (1956)
Railways role in intermodality and the digitalization of transport documents (2018)
TIR Handbook (2018) (UN Official languages)
eTIR: Towards Paperless Cross-border Trade (2016)
The United Nations Transport Conventions on border crossing facilitations – Benefits for governments (2016) (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish)
eTIR Reference Model (2014) (English, French, Russian)
OSCE-UNECE Handbook of best practices at border crossings – A trade and transport facilitation perspective (2012) (English, Russian, Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian)
UNECE Group of Experts towards Unified Railway Law Work Plan (2018) (English, French, Russian)
Joint Declaration towards unified railway law (2013)
UNECE Position Paper: towards Unified Railway Law in the pan-European region and on Euro-Asian transport corridors (2011) (English, Russian, French)
GIS platform:
UNECE International Transport Infrastructure Observatory (Forthcoming)
Transport infrastructure publications
Innovative ways for financing transport infrastructure (2018)
UNECE Trans-European Motorways (TEM) Project (2018)
TEM Project Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (2017)
Euro-Asian Transport Linkages – Paving the way for a more efficient Euro-Asian transport (2012) (English, Russian)
UNECE-UNESCAP Joint study on developing Euro-Asian transport linkages (2007) (English, Russian)
Transport and sustainable development publications:
SDGs and the UN Transport Conventions (2016) and The Way Forward
Transport for sustainable development - The case of inland transport (2015)
Sustainable urban mobility and public transport (2015)
Climate change impacts and adaptation for international transport networks (2014) (English, French, Russian)
Transport for sustainable development in the UNECE region (2011)
Transport statistics publications:
2017 Inland transport statistics for Europe and North America
Assessing the Benefits Of The Trade Facilitation Agreement For Agricultural Trade (2019)
Impact of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement on Tariff Revenues and Border Fee Proceeds (2017)
USAID ICT Procurement Guide for Customs (2011)
Establishing and Implementing a Customs Program Management Process (2005)
- Promoting SME Competitiveness in Kenya (ITC) 2019
- Promoting SME competitiveness in Francophone Africa: Improving access to finance for inclusive growth (ITC) 2019
- Diversifying Trade in Africa: New strategy approaches for the African Continental Free Trade Area (ITC) 2019
- TFWA - Small-scale, Cross-border Trade in West Africa (video)
- Trade Facilitation in West AFrica (TFWA)
Asia Central
Coming soon
Europa Central y del Este
Coming soon
América Latina
Coming soon
Oriente Medio
- Folleto del TFAF
- Folleto de notificaciones del TFAF (enumera los plazos de notificación)
- Folleto del programa de subvenciones TFAF
- Folleto de la OMC sobre la aplicación del AFC (contiene los datos de contacto de los donantes y las organizaciones asociadas)
- TFA para empresas
- Comités nacionales de facilitación del comercio
- Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio: Facilitar el flujo de mercancías a través de las fronteras
- El Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio de la OMC
Folleto del TFAF
Folleto de notificaciones del TFAF (enumera los plazos de notificación)
Folleto del programa de subvenciones TFAF
Folleto de la OMC sobre la aplicación del AFC (contiene los datos de contacto de los donantes y las organizaciones asociadas)
TFA para empresas
Comités nacionales de facilitación del comercio
Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio: Facilitar el flujo de mercancías a través de las fronteras
El Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio de la OMC
Publications in WTO languages
UNCTAD - ASYCUDA in action- Compendium 2019
UNECE - White Paper on Block Chain in Trade Facilitation (2020)
UNECE - Public-Private Partnerships in Trade Facilitation. Recommendation 41 (2017)
UNECE - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: UNECE Regional Report 2019
UNECE - Summary of UNECE Trade Facilitation Recommendations (2015)
UNECE - Trade Facilitation Terms: an English-Russian-Chinese Glossary
UNECE - Trade Facilitation Terms: An English-Russian Glossary
UNECE - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: UNECE Regional Report 2019
UNECE - White Paper on Block Chain in Trade Facilitation (2020)
UNECE - Trade Facilitation White Paper on Smart Containers (2019)
UNESCAP - UN Digital an Sustainable Trade Facilitation Global Report 2019
UNESCAP - UN Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation implementation database
UNESCAP – Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation in Asia and the Pacific (2021)
USAID - The Trade Facilitation Agreement: A World of Opportunities for MSMEs (2021)