Private Sector Participation in National Trade Facilitation Bodies

The 29th UN/CEFACT Plenary approved the new recommendation No. 48 providing provides practical guidance in creating a trusted, permanent and effective environment for public-private sector dialogue within NTFBs.
The recommendation completes the Recommendation No 4 on National Trade Facilitation Bodies revised in 2020.
Rec. 48 recommends the following:
- Ensure that the private sector is sufficiently represented as formal NTFB members and regularly assess their ability to freely contribute using transparent criteria, with a view to proposing changes to strengthen engagement, if needed;
- Ensure inclusivity by offering flexible channels and processes for participation beyond formal membership, to allow for a diversity of businesses with various types, sizes and locations, including SMEs and women-led businesses;
- Stress the business orientation of the NTFB by providing opportunities for the private sector to shape the agenda, contribute to deliveries, voice their needs and interests and secure trust in the dialogue without fear of retribution or simply serving as window dressing;
- Ensure there is a strong secretariat to support the functioning of the NTFB. The secretariat should be equipped with motivated staff and an adequate budget to carry out and monitor the agreed actions and activities and to provide other support services; and
- Ensure that the NTFB is recognized by both the public and private sectors as the go[1]to body for expert advice on trade facilitation by institutionalizing the decisions and contributions it makes, by assigning concrete deliverables to the NTFB, and by monitoring and measuring its performance